
July 2, 2015

We were living in an apartment that was making me literally depressed. We had the opportunity right when we got married to be the mangers of an apartment complex. I mean free rent right, what could be better? (ANYTHING. SERIOUSLY.) It was fine for about the first year but as things in our lives got busier with school, 2 jobs, and all the other things I was about off the deep end.

So Wilson the nice man he is decided to not let his wife go to the looney bin and decided it was time for us to start looking for a house.

I am currently working in Provo, and him in SLC making his commute quite the hefty one. We decided Lehi would be a good stomping ground for us to start our little family.

It was seriously the 3rd or 4th house we looked at. I was in love. There was hardwood. Glorious hardwood. (that was seriously one of my only requests.)

We put in an offer. They counter offered. You know the whole buying a house chess match. But we got it! It was seriously one of the happiest days of my whole life. I cried. A lot.

We were able to move in a month later and it was been so great ever since.

We are still decorating, painting, gardening, all of the things. But so far it's been so great. I'll be posting more before and after photos as we get everything a little more situated. HOLLA FOR HOUSE OWNERSHIP Y'ALL.

What I've Been Up To...

July 1, 2015


Nice to see ya. So I started blogging after a few failed attempts because

a) I have the memory of a goldfish and would like to document some of the somewhat exciting things happening in my life


b) It's fun to write stuff sometimes. I feel like I'm back in high school when you had to write in a journal for english class. (except I was the person writing all 20 entries on the day it was due so there's that.)

Mostly I just want to keep track of what has happened and what is happening because life passes so quickly and I just want to keep some memories preserved.

so WOOT! Let's do thing blogging thing.


June 29, 2015

I have a blog now so that makes me pretty damn hip.
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